“Oh My Soul” on Rocks Magazin
Hey Milestoners! Third time’s a charm ; we’re happy to announce that our song “Oh My Soul” will be on Rocks Magazin’s (Biggest German Classic Rock magazine) compilation CD with The Robert Gray Band, Black Label Society etc.! That’s a third time one of our songs will be featured on their compilation, previous two being Ghost Town (from Devil In Me) and Shalalalovers (from Higher Mountain – Closer Sun).
Olavi Tikka Tartu Mikkiin TV:showssa
Veljet ja Siskot,
Olavi vierailee TV2:ssa esitettävässä Tartu Mikkiin-showssa perjantaina 4.4.2014 kello 21.00. Lisäksi Olavi ja Marko esittävät ohjelman jatkot osiossa Grateful-biisin kello 22.05. Ohjelma tulee uusintana lauantaina 5.4 ja torstaina 10.4.
Olavi will be as guest in Music Competition Tartu Mikkiin in Finnish national TV-channel TV2 at Friday 4 th of April at 9 pm. Olavi and Marko will perform Grateful in Tartu Mikkiin Jatkot at 10.05 pm.
Ladies and Gentlemen another Helsinki show added!
Oh yes, we will be playing again at the same legendary venue where we played our first show, Tavastia Klubi in Helsinki. It’s great to be back and that night will surely bring back loads of great memories from over the years!
Event will be hosted by our record company Turenki Records. Full line up will be Ben Granfelt Band, Dog Days Revolution, Veeti Kallio and The Milestones. Definitely something for everyone!
Two more shows for this spring/ summer
The Milestones are proud to annouce two more shows for this spring/ summer.
The dates are:
- May 16 th at On The Rocks, Helsinki (with special guests Full Moon Rock ´n´ Roll Band)
- June 26 th at Torvi, Lahti (with very special guest Härmä)
Uusi The Milestones albumi “Higher Mountain- Closer Sun”
New album Higher Mountain- Closer Sun out Friday 28 th of February
New interview at Radio City Tv (in Finnish). Tuore Radio City Tv:n haastattelu.
The Milestones interview at Radio Helsinki this Friday/ The Milestones haastattelu Radio Helsingissä tämän viikon perjantaina
The Milestones will be at Njassa´s Radio Show at Radio Helsinki this Friday February 28 th at 12 am. http://www.radiohelsinki.fi/
The Milestones on Radio Helsingissä (98,5 MHz tai http://www.radiohelsinki.fi/ ) Njassan vieraana tänä perjantaina 28.2 kello 12.
The Milestones haastattelu Yle Areenassa/ The Milestones interview
Hello kaikille,
The Milestones haastattelu Tuuli Saksalan ohjelmassa Lempimusiikkia on kuunneltavissa YLE Areenassa 29 päivän ajan http://areena.yle.fi/radio/2143656 . Haastattelu sisältää muun muassa akustisen version tulevan Higher Mountain- Closer Sun levyn kappaleesta Grateful.